Lunchbox Rescue


lunchbox rescue

Kids need stable blood sugar in order to learn and concentrate at school. However, our typical western diet for most kids is high in sugar and processed foods which sends blood sugar on a roller coaster which can result in poor concentration and behaviour problems, but it is also setting them on the road to Type 2 Diabetes which is becoming increasingly common in kids.

All this information can be overwhelming… are your kids addicted to sugar? Are you time poor or not sure where to start?

Introducing Lunchbox Rescue…

I have developed Lunchbox Rescue to help you get past the overwhelm and inspire you to make some simple changes to reinvent your kids lunchboxes, so that they can thrive throughout the day.

Lunchbox Rescue (1.5 hour)

How to build a healthy lunchbox, time saving tips, healthy swaps and recipe ideas. This can also be done in a small group if you have a couple of friends who want to join in.

Lunchbox Rescue Plus (1 Month package - 3 sessions)

Includes initial consult to discuss your personal goals, address any health concerns for yourself or your kids and identify any problem areas that need to be taken into consideration. I will then give you all the tools you need to help you achieve a better balance in your child's lunchbox and keep their blood sugar stable throughout the day.

Over three sessions, weekly support (via text/email/calls) I will educate and coach you through the following:

Education on the importance of macronutrients and blood sugar regulation

Meal preparation and time saving tips

Pantry and fridge overhaul

Recipe ideas

Healthy food swaps


why work with me?

Making diet and lifestyle changes can feel overwhelming especially if you already have a busy life. Working with someone who can support you on this journey will make it so much easier and you are more likely to sustain these changes.

I am passionate about helping people get healthier.

My role is to support and inspire you to make positive incremental changes to help you live your healthiest happiest life.

Does any of this sound familiar?


Are your kids addicted to sugar?

Are you time poor?

Are you stuck in a Vegemite sandwich rut?

Do you rely on packaged food or takeaways a bit too much?

Do you want to feed your family healthier food but feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start?


Eat like you love yourself. Take care of your body - its the only place you have to live in.